How to Stop Cat Litter From Tracking All Over Your Floor
If you’ve ever had a cat, you’ve probably had an issue with cat litter tracking all over your home. Sometimes, cats like to treat their litter box more like a sandbox and dig around for a while after they’ve done their “job”. Cat parents may love their fur babies more than anything, but the relationship with the litter box can be more of a love-hate relationship without the proper tools in place. Here are a few methods to keep as much litter as possible inside the actual litter box!
The Design of the Cat Litter Box Is Important
Looking for the best cat litter box? All cats have different preferences so it’s important to find a litter box that both you and your cat like. Certain types of litter boxes may contain the cat litter a bit better than others but none are perfect. A few things to consider are the size of the litter box, the shape, as well as the entry type! A hooded litter box will always contain more litter than one without a top.
Litter boxes can have entrances on one side, both sides, on the top, or all of the above. Some people feel like top entry may contain the most litter but keep in mind that this kind of litter box may be difficult for small kittens or senior cats to use. If you’ve got a home that is tight on space, you may also want to try a corner-style litter box. Cats tend to kick even more litter up when the litter box is dirty. They’ll dig around trying to find a clean spot to do their business. So, getting a self-cleaning or automatic cat litter box that cleans itself after each use can help to keep the litter tracking under control.
Litter Box Location is Key
Some cats need their privacy when using their bathroom and some could care less as every cat is different. It’s a good idea to test out different locations at first to find out what area your cat likes the best. You’ll probably want to try to put the litter box as far away from the bedroom as possible, there’s nothing like getting into a bed full of cat litter at night! If you do decide to move the litter box around the house, make sure that the change is gradual as cats can be very sensitive to changes. If you’re having trouble getting your cat to use the litter box, you can try an attractant with natural herbs to encourage your cat to use it.
Contain Cat Litter with a Litter Mat
Litter mats are designed to collect litter as your cat exits the litter box but there are many different kinds on the market! Mats may vary in shape, size, material, and function. The most crucial part here is making sure that the litter mat is big enough so that your cat will have to step on it when they exit the litter box and not just jump over it. Dual litter mats will allow litter to fall between the two layers of the mat and allow for easy removal of the litter once it’s gathered. These types of litter mats tend to be the most efficient.
Cat Litter Box Furniture
Adding another layer of protection around the litter box is one way to make sure that your cat’s litter stays put. A litter box cabinet is one type of enclosure that will reduce trackage. Many types of litter box cabinets exist in different sizes and materials. One household favorite though is the Refined Litter Box Deluxe from The Refined Feline. This modern litter box cabinet is available in a handful of wood finishes and styles designed to match your décor. Nobody would even know there’s a litter box inside!
This hidden litter box enclosure has an opening that can be placed on either side of the litter box. It also has slots on the back for carbon filters to keep the air fresh and clean! There is even a drawer inside to hold litter accessories. Last but not least, it comes with a plastic liner in which you can place the litter pan inside. This litter box cabinet ships for free and assembly is easy and quick.
Type of Cat Litter
Looking for the best non tracking cat litter? Or low tracking cat litter? Sadly, that doesn’t really exist if there’s a cat involved but some litter may track less than others. The most popular type of cat litter is clumping clay litter like Arm and Hammer cat litter. This litter comes in both scented and unscented options, is inexpensive, but can be easily tracked around the house. (Pro tip: If you like it scented but feel like the smell may be too strong for your cats, buy the unscented version. Then, get their odor eliminator spray & just spray it as needed. The spray smells just like the scented litter.)
Luckily, there are many other options such as silica gel, recycled paper litter, and even all-natural options. Pine, corn, and wheat have been said to track less litter around. One popular all-natural litter is World’s Best Cat Litter which is made of corn. Another good option is Pretty Litter which monitors your cat’s health for you by changing color if it recognizes any issues with your cat’s urine.
Add a Litter Catch to The Refined Litter Box
Add a matching Litter Catch to the side of the Refined Litter Box Deluxe for extra cleanliness! It catches any litter that your cat takes with them as they exit the litter box. This wooden litter tray collects the litter which can be poured back into the box for less waste and cleaning! Any stray litter that the cabinet can’t contain will surely be caught in this modern-style litter tray.
Want to become an expert on all things litter box? Check out “Adopting a Cat? Here’s the Scoop on the Litter Box.”
Make Clean-Up Time Easier
At the end of the day, cats will end up tracking a bit of litter with them no matter what. Don’t wait for your floor to be full of litter though! If there’s litter already on the floor, it’s just waiting to be tracked around your home. Make a habit of sweeping or vacuuming the floor a couple of times a day or whenever you see your cat leave the litter box. Make sure your cat is done doing its job first before starting the clean-up process though. The last thing you want to do is scare your cat every time they use the litter box. This could make them not want to use it.
Being a cat parent is totally a labor of love. If cleaning up cat litter from all over your home isn’t love we don’t know what is! Hopefully, these few tips will help you figure out how to keep litter from tracking around your home.
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